January 2004: Version 3.4 is a maintenance release, free for all registered users of version 3.
New features
· | Multiple montors: Improved handling for multiple monitors on Windows XP: Help & Manual runs properly on a secondary monitor and remembers its window position(s).
· | Screen capture: also improved for multiple monitors. The screen capture save dialog in Help & Manual saves the format preference for easier selection.
· | Insert Picture dialog box: keeps the most recent file name for easier selection.
· | Help Context Tool: Import of help context numbers has an option to automatically create new topics.
· | HTML Help export:
Redundant HTML formatted popup topics are removed.
TCard Winhelp macros now translate fixed logical parameters (IDYES, IDNO, ...).
The default extension for topic pages (in Project|Properties -> HTML Layout -> Topic Pages) can now be either ".htm" or ".html".
· | HTML Help / Runtime merging: You can specify the master table-of-contents for run-time merged child files. This is important, if you call context topics in child files from your application.
· | Browser based help:
After some modifications of the Javascript, it is now possible to address a particular anchor in a page with the syntax "...index.html?testtopic.htm,anchorid".
All popup topics now have a title. In previous versions, they appeared as "untitled topic" in the keyword index.
HTML template parser included double quotation marks in certain cases. This problem is now fixed.
If the default topic had an umlaut in the topic ID, it did not work with a static table of contents.
The $ prefix for TOC and index files was removed because of incompatibilites with MS Visual Source Save. You can activate the $ prefix (or any other prefix) though in Project|Properties -> HTML Layout.
· | Manual designer: text objects show dummy data in the preview instead of long variable names. A new alignment function on the Edit menu makes it easier to align objects properly on a page.
· | Word/RTF export: new option to insert a file name marker for images.
· | eBooks (Multimedia Help): we changed the name "Multimedia Help" to "e-Book" in general.
The e-book EXE view now supports a wheel mouse.
· | Batch export (command line parameters): the batch export now has a new /debug switch to test it.
Older updates
Help & Manual version 3.30
Help & Manual version 3.25
Help & Manual version 3.20
A comparison between version 2 and version 3